Berita Update

Berita Update Ingin mendapatkan berita terbaik dan terbaru di dunia tentu anda bisa membaca situs resmi berita seperti detik, CNN atau yang lainnya. Berita saat ini bukan sekedar tonton saja tetapi saat ini banyak orang mengkonsumsi berita dari beberapa tempat karena ingin mengetahui perkembangan apa dan persiapan apa yang akan…

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Passport Passport is a word that we will often hear when traveling. Almost everyone knows that a passport is a travel book both abroad and within the country. ThePassport itself will only function when abroad. This does not apply if you are in your own country of birth. In general,…

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 Kerosene Have you ever heard of kerosene? Kerosene is a type of fuel that can be said to be dangerous. Kerosene has a distinctive aroma and clear color. The presence of keroseneis very helpful for users. When in the 90s kerosene became fuel for stoves, lamp oil, and much more.…

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Cooking oil

Cooking oil Of course, the mothers at home when frying prepare the best oil in each frying pan. So that fried crispy and Krispie. But did you know that cooking oil actually comes from refining? Cooking oil is obtained from parts of animals or plants which are purified and then…

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