PANDAWARA GRUP dilarang PemDes

PANDAWARA GRUP dilarang bersih-Bersih di Pantai Loji oleh Pemerintah Desa Sangrawayang Pantai Loji di Desa Sangrawayang telah menjadi tempat yang populer bagi masyarakat lokal dan wisatawan untuk menikmati keindahan alam serta mengadakan berbagai acara seru. Namun, belakangan ini sebuah grup komunitas bernama PANDAWARA GRUP mendapat larangan melakukan kegiatan bersih-bersih di…

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Black Hornet spy drones from US

For the first time, the US sent Black Hornet spy drones to Ukraine Unleashing a new era of espionage, the United States has taken an extraordinary step by sending Black Hornet spy drones to Ukraine. These pint-sized technological marvels are set to revolutionize intelligence gathering on the frontlines, providing invaluable…

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Tribune Online media in Indonesia is Tribune The online news circulating on the internet is very well known so not a few people follow the news that is issued. There is a lot of news presented by Tribune News where the news will be taken from Sabang to…

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